Basic Modeling and UV Mapping a Cigarette Box With Maya
Posted On Sunday, August 31, 2008 at by Rahul MgFirst step is to manually measure the Height, Width and Depth of a cigarette box. Measures are Height = 8.5, Width = 5.5 and Depth = 2.2, because we want to keep the right proportions of cigarette box.
Next step is to create a cube and set measures stated above. Then go to left or right view and then use the Cut the Faces Using a Plane tool, when you select the Cut theFaces Using a Plane tool click and hold the left mouse button to perform cutting a plane. When you do this you will get the following result (picture below).

You probably will not cut the planes exactly the way you wanted (like in the picture above) but it is the quickest way to do it, so go on and adjust vertices to get better result.
When you adjust newly created vertices ( ones painted yellow in the below picture, one vertex is not showing in picture so be sure to adjust that vertex too) you will get the result showing below.

So that’s it for the modeling part, now we go on for UV mapping.
UV Mapping
Before you go to UV mapping you have to make texture that you will be using for mapping, you can scan the unfolded cigarette box like I did or make the texture in Photoshop or any other tool for image creating and editing.
Now open Hypeshade by pressing Ctrl + Alt + H, create blinn material and for color set file and assign the texture you created or scanned.
Now go to face mode and select the the face as shown on the below picture.

For creating UV for this face we will use planar projection. To do this go to menu Create UV’s -> Planar Mapping Options and in the window shown below in Project From choose Z axis because selected face is perpendicular to Z axis.

Now click the Apply button, be sure not to click on the Project button because Options window will close and you will have open it again for mapping the next face. Now open the UV Texture editor which is located in menu Edit UV’s -> UV Texture Editor, now go to UV Selection by holding the right mouse button and choosing UV. Next thing is to move and scale created UV to corresponding place on the texture. The UV text Editor should look something like the below picture.

Now follow this procedure for remaining faces of your object.
Here is the picture from UV Texture Editor with mapping done.